Saturday, August 17, 2019

Country running

I just moved to Cottonwood California. There are alot of ranches and nice houses in the area. The hills are great for running and the scenery is beautiful. Just ran about 8 miles with about 300 ft gain and loss. My legs are sore but it hurts so good.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

New plan

So from time to time I try to rethink my running plans  to make sure I'm progressing as well as not wearing my self out. I have decided that right now Im going to put off the Marathon and train for a trail 10k trail run in November. Hopefully I can get my friend Clint to train and run the race with me :)  PS I'm still going for 1000 miles this year.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

2019 progress

I have three goals as far as running goes for this year. 1. Run 1000 miles : So far I've run about 480. I think I got that one. 2. Run a Marathon. Technically the Marathon is in 2020 but its in January so close enough. 3. Run a mile under 7 minutes. My fastest time now is 7:19. I think I got that too. Yay!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Annoying setbacks

I hate  being sick or hurt because it means i have to take rest. Right now I have little white bumps on the ball of both my feet and they hurt. So i guess i should take a break but as soon as they're better I'm back out there full force.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Schedule flexibility

Had to help a friend with a fence today, so I skipped my long run today. So I have to add some miles throughout the week and do a good long run next week. You have to be flexible sometimes and do what you got to do.

Saturday, June 29, 2019


Today is the western states 100 and the winner will probably be Jim Walmsy a 28 year old but it makes me wonder if a 40 year old could win it and could that be me? I think I could compete with enough training. Or am I crazy?

Friday, June 28, 2019

Fast mile

So once a week now I am doing a really fast mile. I do a 2 mile warm up, a fast mile and jog 1 mile. The first week was 7:31, 2nd was 7:37 and today was 7:25. My goal is to get it to 7 flat before the marathon.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Running high

Not an extraordinary run today, it just felt awesome. 2 miles with the dog, 3 without.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I think I can. I think I can

There is some feeling I get when I'm running that I can become not only an ultrarunner but a great ultrarunner. I want to run very very far and finish first. For some reason I believe I can.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Running is consistent, blogging not so much.

Wow its  been a long time since I updated this! Well I have run at least three times a week since November 2018 and now averaging 4-5 days and about 20 miles a week. My plan is to run the Redding, CA Marathon in January, so I need to start boosting the miles and I may go to 6 days a week.