Saturday, June 29, 2019


Today is the western states 100 and the winner will probably be Jim Walmsy a 28 year old but it makes me wonder if a 40 year old could win it and could that be me? I think I could compete with enough training. Or am I crazy?

Friday, June 28, 2019

Fast mile

So once a week now I am doing a really fast mile. I do a 2 mile warm up, a fast mile and jog 1 mile. The first week was 7:31, 2nd was 7:37 and today was 7:25. My goal is to get it to 7 flat before the marathon.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Running high

Not an extraordinary run today, it just felt awesome. 2 miles with the dog, 3 without.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I think I can. I think I can

There is some feeling I get when I'm running that I can become not only an ultrarunner but a great ultrarunner. I want to run very very far and finish first. For some reason I believe I can.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Running is consistent, blogging not so much.

Wow its  been a long time since I updated this! Well I have run at least three times a week since November 2018 and now averaging 4-5 days and about 20 miles a week. My plan is to run the Redding, CA Marathon in January, so I need to start boosting the miles and I may go to 6 days a week.