Monday, August 7, 2017

Still moving forward

So after I sprained my ankle i took about three weeks off of running. More time than i wanted to be off but it was probably good. During that time i still took the dog for walks and did bodyweight workouts. But now I'm back to running three days a week for about 3 weeks, and I plan on doing the moonlight madness 2 mile race across the Shasta damn on 8-27-17. Its short but it looks fun.

Update: I kind of got off of running for a while after the above happened :( but am now back running stronger than ever as of November 2018.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

sprained ankle, rest week and new neighbors.

So last thursday I sprained my ankle so I have decide to take it easy and no running this week. After about two months of back to running I kind of feel lazy and a little like a caged animal. But hopefully the swelling will be gone by next week and I can continue on my running journey.
 on the brighter side of things, we met some of our neighbors yesterday and there really cool. They are a married couple me and Misty's age. They have a 11 year old daughter and a grandma as well. They seem like good and fun people, looking foward to getting to know them.

Monday, June 26, 2017

My running buddy.

She's a 7 month old playful, sometimes insane,  black lab. And one of the best running partners I have had. Below is a picture of her shortly after a good run, I assure you she's not dead.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Write it down.

A few years back I was a mediocre runner, and the main reason for that was because i consistently ran 3 to 4 times a week with out fail for many months. Then lots of things happened and i stopped running. Every time i would try to start running again i couldn't for some reason be consistantcy. Now I am back to running consistantcy 3 days a week for a little over a month. So whats the difference? I am keeping a record of every run I do. So I can look at what I did before and plan what i am going to do. I actually don't write it down, instead I use a log book app., but the main thing is that there is a record of it.

Friday, June 16, 2017

7 year badwater plan

If you know anything about ultramarathons chances are you have heard of the badwater 135 mile insanity. It is one of the toughest ultras in America and a fascination of mine. Now I have decided I am going to run it, but until 2024. First i have to run a half marathon in 2018 then a full marathon in 2019 then a 50k in 2020 then a 50 mile in 2021 then a 100 mile in 2022, two 100 miles in 2023 and finally the badwater 135 in 2024. Crazy? Maybe, but that was my nickname in middle school.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Great week and the future

Every thing that I set out to do this week got done. I got three days of running and three days of resistance training in, for a total of 6 days of exercise. My feet feel better this week too thanks to my new new balance. I feel  fatigued but also energised. Could probably go harder next week but I'm going to hold back because I don't want to break my consistantcy. I am not yet to my previous level of fitness however something in me knows I will get back to and beyond what I was before. I am going to run far and have a 6 pack!

Monday, June 5, 2017

New shoes, new training

Just took my new New Balance
481v2 trail shoes out for a run today. They felt nice and light. A little stiff but otherwise pretty comfortable.
Also I am starting a new training schedule. I plan to run 3 days a week and walk, push ups, one leg assisted pull ups, and straight leg deadlifts with a rock the other 3 days. One day will be for rest. If I'm consistent and progress my training monthly I should be in great shape in 2018.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Shasta Mudrun

The race was held on May 13th. This was my first mud run and I had a blast. I ran with three other women from work, I think they had fun but probably wont run again due to soreness and some injury. We did the 5k but there was also a 10k. I think there were about 10 obstacles along the way. Mostly crawling and climbing. However my favorite were the slides. Next year I'm going to do the 10k.